

The scariest moment of my life happened when I was seven, that day I watched the closest person to me get wheeled out of the house, looking the weakest I had ever seen him. I'll never forget the look on my grandfather's face as the paramedics took him away. I stood there frozen in the laundry room watching him leave out of the back door, I could see nothing but him everything else was blurry, all I seen was the face he made. He looked at me with pleading eyes, as if he was sorry. As soon as he was gone I followed my mom up the back stair hysterically crying I said, at just seven years old. “Mom I know he's gonna die”, through the couple of hours we stood in my grandma's house she tried to convince me that I was wrong, when I knew I wasn't. My mother sent me back to our house with my father, that day I waited for her to come back, I wanted to go to the hospital to see him. That day my mom told a small lie that still hurts to this day, she said "you're not old enough to see him, the doctors wont let you in unless youre 18". I believed her for years after that, but then I realized that she lied to me and kept me from seeing my grandfather his last few days. After a short while I forgave her, she was just trying to protect me, but it still hurts.

This is a photo collage video one of his friends made for him.

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